My Personal Finance Classroom

Let me show you around how I run my classroom in the hopes of inspiring some ideas for you!

The Real Business Project

Are you interested in having your students start real businesses in your classroom? Come see how I run The Real Business Project with my students.


Budgeting is not an isolated unit where you get to do it and then never revisit it again. For me, it’s a topic that we introduce towards the beginning of a personal finance class and then revisit on a regular basis as we learn more about the different areas that impact our finances.

Come see how I approach it!

Teach High School Students About Income Tax with FI Educator

Income Tax

The week+ of teaching taxes is usually one of the toughest in my curriculum. The taxes unit brings up a lot of emotions in kids from anger about taxes (usually passed down) to anxiety about the math part since we don’t do a very math heavy curriculum.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of things we could be teaching kids and possibly our own lack of understanding of the complexities of the tax system. Our family hires an accountant to do our taxes each year despite the fact that I know more about it than your average person would. Our system is complicated and mistakes can be costly.


Teaching teens about types of banks, credit unions, and account options doesn't need to be as boring as we traditionally make it. See how I use engaging activities and projects to let students discover what they need to know in a personal finance class.

Needs vs Wants

You've a limited supply of money which means you can't afford everything. What should come first? How do you prioritize budget items? See how we do it!

Tracking Cashflow

Before you can start conversations about budgeting, saving, and investing, you need to know where your money is coming from and where it's going.

Kicking Off Strong

The first week of any class is so important for setting clear expectations, establishing your organizational structure , and getting the students super-excited to learn about money with you. Of course, you are tethered by your school’s opening week policies, drills, and assembly meetings with students, but there is still so much space to play and hook students into the learning. Let me take you into what my first 3 days looked like in my most recent school year start.

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